Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Teaser Tuesday

The end is coming.

Snippet Starts:

*Gone with the wind*

Snippet Ends.


  1. I like the friendship in this. Julian read him so easily. :)

    This snippet makes me ask so many questions that I really want to go on.

  2. I like the relationship dynamics between the two. It's warm and original and also very real.
    I'm interested in reading on :))

  3. The end is near? really? really? I just love your teases, but I'm wondering so many things about how things are going to end for giaan and every other character we'd met in the past snips. I'll be sad when you stop teasing this :(

  4. I love all of these teases. The tension and emotion in this scene is great. And I love seeing how Giaan has evolved over the weeks.

  5. I second the tension in this, the little things that Julian does to show he's nervous. Can't wait to see what happens next. :)

  6. This interaction is so vividly rendered--wonderful. Can I just say that I've loved watching not only your character grow, but your writing? I mean that in the best possible way--your stuff is increasingly solid. Nice work!

  7. This is really very nice :)

  8. Oh wow. I am LOVING this WIP. SO good.


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