Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Teaser Tuesday

I’ve decided to do teaser Tuesdays once every two weeks, because I’m coming to the end of a chapter and I’m don’t want to reveal anything from the next chapter until I’m done with the fourth one.

So here’s my teaser. Enjoy ;)

Snippet Starts:

*Snip snap!*

Snippet Ends.


  1. Whoaaa. Didn't see the bomb coming. Nice!

  2. LOVE this scene! Finally we get to see inside the bag, too. Eeeep :/ Julian's reaction seemed very realistic to me, I love the tugging on his collar. Shows his nerves perfectly.

  3. Only teasing every other week? You're killing me, Smalls. Okay...I guess I'll just have to accept it. But, I do love your teases :)

  4. Dun-dun-duuuun!! Don't leave us hanging like this, it's torture! :D Great tease!

  5. Oh, SHIT! Great cliffhanger. This is the definition of a tease.

  6. Whoa! Love the ending - you bad teaser! Now I must come back next week. :)

  7. You jumped in with something shocking and hooking, and left us with a cliffhanger? No fair! Great teaser :]

  8. Good teaser--I mean, once you discover a bomb, what the hell do you do with it?

  9. You can't end there! What the heck! Haha, I loved this scene. The dialogue felt very real to me. :) Great job!

  10. Woah! That scene was great! The end was an amazing cliff hanger.

    "That's a bomb..." And that, there, is a page turner!

    Great job!

  11. Dude, I can't even imagine being Julian right now. Uh, I need to know what Julian's going to do, NOT COOL to end it there. And not to tease for two weeks :( But yeah, this is amazing. Duh.

  12. Lord, what an evil cliff hanger! Talk about a teaser! I really liked this a lot. So, what happens next??!!

  13. Dang! That's so intense! Wow wow wow! Why did you end it there?! AHHHH! I want to know what happens next! EEEEE!

  14. Very good scene and yes, I agree, a very realistic reaction from Julian!


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