Saturday 2 January 2010

Reading Monster, that’s me!

So, of late, I've been really busy catching up on my reading, at the steep cost of temporarily abandoning my WIP, and I've got to say, I'm impressed with myself. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be focused on finishing my book, but I can't complain. You cannot imagine how much I've learnt from these books – their authors' styles, techniques, manners of presenting twists and turns, etc. The Demon's Lexicon, Catching Fire, Life as we knew it, The Pain Merchants, The Time Traveller's Wife – these are the books I've devoured in the past couple of weeks, and I can't stop myself.

I'm currently reading Aprilynne Pike's Wings, even though I said I wouldn't because of that dreaded love triangle which has invaded every goddamn YA book out today. When I'm finished with Pike's debut, I'm going to read Kristin Cashore's Fire. Then I'm going to turn my sights on Carrie Ryan's Zombie fest, The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten you, The Dead and the Gone.


Someone, give me a cookie. I'm on a roll, son!

Of course, in between all this, I'll be writing my book. Can't forget that. It's 2010 and I must finish this WIP by March. Must. After all, I've been on it since 2007.

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