Yes, I know, I know. I haven't been blogging as frequently as I would love to. Blame it on the ever-pilling coursework, guys. My last post (a scathing, thrilling review of the epic fail, Breaking Dawn) was on Sunday, 2 November 2008. That's almost of month ago. Jeez. But, my lord, so much as happened since then.
Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States! Wow. I didn't see that coming. Actually, I did towards the end of the presidential campaign (by which time Obama had pretty well transformed McCain into a floor mop). But I didn't see it coming when Obama initially announced his bid to run for office. History, baby. That's what I'm talking about. Let's hope he lives long enough in the white house to fulfil his dreams (remember Dr King? Yeah, that's right – he got shot and killed). I wish you all the best, sir.
Twilight opened in American cinemas and grossed $69.9 million in its opening week ($7 million on the midnight of its release and $35.7 million at the end of the day one). What the f-k? I watched the movie and it was okay. I admit, it was cheesy at certain bits (some lousy dialogue from the book forced their way into the movie at Stephenie Meyer's insistence) but it turned out to be an interesting take on the Twilight book (the baseball scene was awesome). However, most of the special effects were rubbish (I've seen a lot better on Supernatural, no jokes), though that's expected bearing in mind the undersized budget Catherine Hardwicke was given. I heard fangirls went in droves to see the film over and over again. Some chick said she had watched the movie 4 times in a week, and I am sure she wasn't the only one. Scary. Scaaaary.
But the real bombshell is that Catherine Hardwicke will not be directing New Moon. Again, what the f-k? Summit Entertainment, the company which owns the rights to the Twilight saga movies, claimed they wanted New Moon released by the end of 2009 (how's that going to happen??) and, as such, needed a director that could work with this timetable. There have also been rumours that Catherine was a pain in the studio chiefs' butts.
What a load of crap. Here's the real explanation: Twilight, after making so much money in the box office, has officially become a franchise, and franchise = money machine. Summit wants money and Twilight is their golden goose. Creativity is out the window now. It's all about the money, people. It always is in instances like this.
For what is worth, Catherine, you did a fantastic job. Good luck. I'm sure something great will come your way.
Smallville redeemed itself! That's another shocker ... for me, at least. But I'll talk more about this in my next post when I discuss which shows ruled and which ones sucked this year (a distant echo that sounds oddly like 'Heeerooooes' drifts to my ears).
Fifa 09 sucker-punched Pro Evolution 2009 to become the best football rendition on a video game console to date. My take: unexpected and very nice. I've had Fifa 09 since its release and I can't seem to stop playing it. It's a fantastic game. Now all EA needs to do is ensure that they don't get ahead of themselves and screw up like they did after Fifa RTWC 98.
That's it for me. I'm off to finish my java assessment (last one for the term, thank God). See ya!