Monday, 1 September 2008

Blame it on the boogie

"Don't blame it on sunshine

Don't blame it on moonlight

Don't blame it on good times

Blame it on the boogie."

The above is a morsel of Blame it on the Boogie's lyrics originally written and performed by Mick Jackson or Michael George Jackson, a British singer-songwriter (not to be confused with Michael Jackson, extraordinaire dancer, black-turned-white man, King of Pop, has incomparable and unsettling love for children, et cetera). Yet, The Jacksons' rendition of the song is so much better and so much popular that anyone reading this would probably think I fabricated George Jackson. Well, I didn't.

But why am I bringing this up?

PES_2009 In reply to Pro Evolution Soccer 2009's poor reception by the general gaming press at Leipzig, aficionados of Konami's Pro Evolution soccer series are blaming it on the amateur cameraman.

Videos have always been the finest method of disseminating information about a game, and it matters not if they were recorded by a fledgling Steven Spielberg wannabe. Granted, some videos are really terrible (Spielberg should be held accountable for some of the unforgivably horrendous ones. Think War of the Worlds) but that is not the case here.

The video evidently shows one thing: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 is no different from Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. The only aspect of PES 2009 absent from its predecessor is the slower paced game-play. Other than that, PES 2009 still utilises the same core game engine as PES 5 on the PS2 (Playstation 2). Makes me wonder why it has "Evolution" as part of its name when it's patent that the series has ground to a halt in terms of evolving.

I'll reserve my right to say, 'This game is not worth £39.99,' until I play it properly and write my review.

Fifa 09 cover3 On a side note, devotees of the Fifa series (unlike those on the other side of fence) should be delighted with all the videos of Fifa 09 gushing forth from the fountain of amateur cameramen:

I have to admit, EA has got me interested in this one.

(below, courtesy of IGN)